What does Instagram do for you? Unless you’re some sort of “influencer” getting paid to post, would you say it’s making your life better? I like Instagram as a creative outlet, but I’m not sure browsing the app is a good use of my time. Apple recently released a new feature in iOS called “screen […]
Do the things you love hurt you, or help you? This is a question everyone needs to ask themselves at some point. Sometimes the things we love the most don’t return the favor. Take alcohol for example. I’ve been sober for 122 days due to a stomach issue, and it’s been eye-opening, to say the […]
Don’t Think, Just Execute
I’ve been reading Meditations by Marcus Aurelius to start off the month of February. I’m almost through it, and book eight offers some great advice for Monday mornings. When you have trouble getting out of bed in the morning, remember that your defining characteristic – what defines a human being – is to work with […]
The Olympic Games Are Now
It’s easy to put things off. To indulge. To pile everything on the plate of your future self. I’ve been working hard to increase my willpower this month, and equally as important, my won’t power. I’m reading The Willpower Instinct by Kelly McGonigal, which I’ll write more about in the future when I finish the book. […]
Create More, Consume Less
I first stumbled across some life-changing advice back in 2015. I had just moved to a new country, started a business, and altogether was biting off a lot. Stress, anxiety, and burnout were all creeping into my life. It was around the new year, and I’d set the lofty goal of reading 40 books for […]