It can be really hard to let go – especially if you’ve been holding onto something or someone for a long time. The truth is though, sometimes addition by subtraction is essential to your happiness, success, and overall well-being. I’ve spent a good portion of my time this year trying to listen to the wisdom […]
On Priorities
Sometimes it feels like there’s not enough time. I start a lot of projects. They’re all important to me, but they vary in importance. Exercise gets top priority. Growing my business shares the top spot. Getting out of the house and spending time with friends is up there, too. What I’ve noticed is that doing […]
My family motto is “Until the end”. Apparently, we’re big on finishing. I personally love starting new things. Projects, side hustles, books – I love what’s new. It’s why my Goodreads is typically full of 6 different genres under my “Currently Reading” section. I figured since starting isn’t much of a problem for me, I […]
135 Minutes
The Mona Lisa doesn’t tweet. Yet, she’s pretty big on social media. This was highlighted on Seth Godin’s blog recently, and it’s worth exploring. Things don’t become popular on social media purely because of social media execution or investment – they do well on social media because they’re offering a great product or service, or […]
Little Hinges
“Little hinges swing big doors” -W. Clement Stone Small changes can lead to major success. If you’re setting goals and missing frequently, look at the system you have in place, and whether or not it’s helping you accomplish your goals. I always try to focus on the system and let the goals fall where […]