This year I’m reading a book by Ryan Holiday, called The Daily Stoic. The way it works is every morning, you read one page and really digest its message. I liked the idea so I’ve been giving it a go this year.
It’s the second book I’ve read by Holiday. The Obstacle is the Way was another good read, and I figured I could use more stoicism in my life. If you’ve never heard of stoicism, here’s the scoop.
There are three disciplines. Perceptions, actions, and will. There’s more to it than this, but to sum it up:
1. Control your perceptions
2. Direct your actions properly
3. Willingly accept what’s outside your control
Point #3 is particularly important, and really driven home by the Stoics.
Most people recommend starting with Seneca or Marcus Aurealius, if you’re thinking about investigating. I think it’s been a good investment of my time.